Tour dör d'Schwiiz 2020 In the summer of 2020, I wrote my Matura thesis under the title "Tour dör d'Schwiiz". In a total of 38 days, I visited all 250 cities in Switzerland on my racing bike - these are places with more than 10,000 inhabitants or places that fulfill certain historical criteria - and also climbed the highest mountain in each of the 26 cantons. Almost 7000 kilometers, 100,000 meters of altitude and 52 passes crossed, to name a few facts. There were also some rather extreme tours, 500 kilometers at one stretch with the racing bike, 13 passes in two days or the Dufourspitze and the Finsteraarhorn on foot as a day tour from the valley, for example.
Kantonsgipfeli project 2024 Studying at ETH is quite restrictive in terms of time, so during the first four semesters there were only a few smaller tours and projects. Mostly between a few days and three weeks, but rarely too ambitious. In the summer of 2024, I felt like trying something more challenging again, but I still didn't really have much time. In the end, shortly before the exams in August, I tried to find the best croissant (Gipfeli) in Switzerland within three weeks and also climbed the highest mountain peak (Gipfel) in all 26 cantons. Only by bike and on foot, in one piece and carrying all the equipment myself. Together with the Black Forest Collective, we made a 30-minute film out of it, which will be shown on my Explora Tour in January! Tickets are available HERE!